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Bibliografia di riferimento

Beckman, G.

  1983    Mesopotamians and Mesopotamian Learning at Ḫattuša, JCS 35: 97–114.

  1996    Hittite Diplomatic Texts, Atlanta: Scholar Press.

M. Doğan Alparslan M.

  2007    Drei Schreiber, Zwei Könige. Pp. 247-257. In VI Congresso Internazionale di Ittitologia, Roma, 5-9 settembre 2005 (SMEA 49). Edited by A. Archi and R. Francia. Roma 2007.

Gordin, Sh.

  2010a A Scriptorium of Mahhu(z)zi MAGNUS.SCRIBA in the Reign of Tutḫaliya IV. Pp. 319-340. In Acts of the VIIth international Congress of Hittitology. Edited by Y. Hazırlayan, A. Süel. Ankara 2010.

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Laroche, E.

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Marizza, M.

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Pecchioli Daddi, F.

  1982    Mestieri, Professioni e dignità dell’Anatolia ittita. Roma: Edizioni dell’Ateneo.

Torri, G.

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  2009    The Old Hittite Textual Tradition in the “Haus am Hang”. Pp. 207-222. In Central-North Anatolia in the Hittite Period. New Perspectives in Light of Recent Research (StudAs 5). Edited by F. Pecchioli, G. Torri, C. Corti. Roma: Herder 2009.

  2010a  Hittite Scribes at Play: The Case of Cuneiform Sign AN. Pp. 317-327. In Investigationes Anatolicae. Gedenkschrift fuer Erich Neu (StBoT 51) edited by J. Klinger, E. Rieken, Ch. Ruester, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

  2010b  The Scribal School of the Lower City of Ḫattuša and the Beginning of the Career of Anuwanza, Court Dignitary and Lord of Nerik. Pp. 383-396. In ana turri gimilli. Studi dedicati al padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi. Edited by M. Liverani, M.G. Biga. Roma: Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”.

  2011    The phrase ṬUPPU URUHatti in Colophons from Hattusa and theWork of the Scribe Hanikkuili. AoF 38: 135-144.

van den Hout, Th. P. J.

  2006    Administration in the Reign of Tutḫaliya IV and the Later Years of the Hittite Empire. Pp. 77-106. In The Life and Times of Ḫattušili III and Tutḫaliya IV – Proceedings of a Symposioum held in Honour of J. De Roos, 12-13 December 2003, Leiden. Edited by Th. van den Hout, Leiden: NINO

  2009    Reflections on the Origins and Development of the Hittite Tablet Collections in Ḫattuša and Their Consequences for the Rise of Hittite Literacy. Pp. 71-96. In Central-North Anatolia in the Hittite Period. New Perspectives in Light of Recent Research (StudAs 5). Edited by F. Pecchioli, G. Torri, C. Corti. Roma: Herder 2009.

Weeden, M.

  2011a  Hittite Logograms and Hittite Scholarship (StBoT 54). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

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Werner, E.

  1967    Hethitische Gerichtsprotokolle (StBoT 4). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz

Wilhelm, G.

  2005    Zur Datierung der älteren hethitischen Landschenkungsurkunden. AoF 35:  272-279

ultimo aggiornamento: 13-Dic-2015
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